SMP Atlanta is the leading and most experienced Scalp Micropigmentation Clinic in Atlanta, GA. Scalp Micropigmentation/SMP, is currently the ultimate, a non-surgical procedure that eliminates the appearance of baldness. Scalp micropigmentation is a remarkable solution for men and women experiencing hair loss. Scalp Micropigmentation is a modern, permanent, instant, & life-changing SMP treatment where pigments are precisely applied to the scalp to replicate the natural appearance of real hair follicles.We offer the most natural hair loss solution for balding, thinning hair, transplant scars, and alopecia. Our artists replicate tiny hair follicles to give the look of a hair that has recently been shaved, buzz cut , or short hair stubble. Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-invasive, affordable, and 100% effective hair loss solution. Book Your SMP Consultation Today! Talk to our Micro Pigmentologist Milla Rosen and Serge Bovbalan, two of the most skilled and experienced SMP technicians in the United States are ready to help you get started. Call us on (470) 286-6639 or send us an email at to schedule your SMP consultation you can visit